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About the artist:

My work often starts with an intense experience or emotion, distilled through my memory over time and revealed as a singular image.

Each painting is an attempt to capture the essence and energy of an experience, memory or feeling I have had, exploring my memory's process of recording an essence of the experience by collecting all the sensory information and condensing this into a singularity, a preserved moment, so the experience can be revisited by the mind and all the senses in the future. I am intrigued by the nature of memory and it's influence on my perception of reality.


These balls of sensory memory are what I try to paint. Each painting starts with a different inspiration and often leads to very different styles of work, depending on how I believe best to transfer the internal experience of the memory that has been crystallized in my mind, onto canvas.

This can take on an abstract form or a figurative one, and often my process includes automatism and an element of performance.

I feel compelled to attempt to capture the essence of a moment as it is experienced or remembered within my memory. It has become my quest to visualise and combine the real and unseen moments in life, and the electric energy created through shared or personal experiences,

I call them Soul Sketches.


I draw inspiration from the rich fabric of the modern experience and the energy of extremes, from jubilation to despair, and the power and noise that I see flowing through it. The emphasis of colour and pattern in my work is influenced by the colours revealed by some of the entheogenic explorations and shamanic rituals undertaken in the past.

I also really like painting apes too.


Chris Swain is a painter based in the UK.


This website is a gallery to exhibit new work, and an archive of some of my work over the last twenty years.

It is also a place to purchase work or commission a project if you wish.

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